
I'm Calvin.

I'm a Frontend Software Engineer with a strong passion for building web applications with great user experiences.
Here's a bit more about me.

Here are some of my projects

  • E-Commerce Website

    HTML, CSS, Javascript, React.js

    Developed a mock e-commerce store built with React.js. Includes functionality to add and remove items from cart as well as sort items by price and rating. A skeleton loading state was also added to enhance the user experience.

  • Twitter Clone

    HTML, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript, React.js, Next.js, Firebase

    Implemented Google user authentication using NextAuth.js to generate a Twitter username as well as display the user's name and profile picture. User also has the ability to post and delete tweets as well as like and comment on them.

    User generated data is stored in Firebase. Developed and made fully responsive using React, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS best practices.

  • Movie DB App

    HTML, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript, React.js

    Uses TMDB API to fetch movies and display them dynamically. Includes a movie info page that gives the user key info about each movie. Movies are also able to be sorted by popularity, rating, and by what's currently playing in theatres.